What is TimeStope? Is it legit? How to use it?
TimeStope ***** I strongly recommend you to read "points to ponder section" if you just want to know how to use TimeStope .***** What is it? TimeStope is a cryptocurrency innovation with a peculiar feature, it can be mined on smartphone. It is being developed as a universal payment method of the untact (contact free) economy . This cryptocurrency is based on great equalizer, it equates poor and rich, abled and disabled, educated and uneducated, this cryptocurrency is based on time! Yes,it is based on time!! No matter what you are, where you are, how capable you are, your time is limited and countable. Everyone of us have got same amount of time, 24 hours a day, this project involves recording human time and turning it into an asset. Recording time seems weird, right? It just records the amount of time you are in the project and awards you some cryptocurrency. What are developers hoping to do? Developers re